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Navegando na galeria do Inkscape, verifiquei que existem animações. Conforme exemplo abaixo:


Gostaria de saber a forma correta para criar animações no Inkscape?

Inkscape 0.92

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SVG supports the ability to change vector graphics over time, to create animated effects.


6 Respostas

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Segundo o sítio do Inkscape ele nativamente não suporta animação.


No entanto nessa mesma página mais abaixo são listados programas capazes de o fazer


GIMP is a free/open source, 2D graphics editor, which can create, import and export, both raster and vector images. (It's primarily for raster graphics, but has some minimal vector features.) It has a relatively simple and easy to use GIF animation feature, with at least 3 tutorials on their website. You can find them by looking through their Documentation page. Basically, images drawn with Inkscape need to be exported to PNG, before they are imported into GIMP (hint: in GIMP, use Import as Layers). Note that there are MANY other programs which can create GIF animations — just search!


Tupi is a free/open source program which can animate both raster and vector images. Their Documentation page provides links to their manual, tutorials, examples, faq, and more.

Synfig Studio

Synfig Studio is a free/open source 2D animation program, which can import and utilize SVG images. Starting with version 0.91, Inkscape can even export the native Synfig format, SIF. There are both a manual and tutorials in their wiki.


enve is a relatively young free/libre 2D animation software with support for both importing SVG files and creating animated SVG documents.


Blender is a free/open source 3D animation suite, which can import SVG images. There are both manual and tutorials on their Support page.


Básicamente as animações são feitas frame a frame, no caso a ferramenta enve capaz de fazer animações via imagens tipo SVG.

Tente verificar o enve provavelmente seja a ferramenta usada para essas animações.

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por curioso (2,7K pontos)

Você pode usar o SOZI, que é um Software Livre para animar SVGs feitos no Inkscape! Basta usar camadas e configurar nele os tempos e modos de transição/animação. Eu falo sobre ele em algumas palestras, tem no meu barbara.blog.br

Provavelmente esses SVGs estão acompanhados de json e html com os códigos que animam. O Sozi faz isso automaticamente! Simples e rápido!


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Null’s Brawl APK is a private server of Brawl Stars that is developed by some third-party developers, known as Null’s Server. It is available for free on android devices. There are no ads in this game and no hidden subscription fee which is pretty good. Everyone can play this game and have fun with unlimited gems, unlocked brawlers, and all the gadgets-skins, the latest brawlers. Read this article & check below for more information about Null’s Brawl & its advantages over the main game. Null’s Brawl Let me again remind you, that playing private servers won’t ban your main account. Try out them and enjoy the latest features and sure brawlers, that you wish to use in your main game.

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